Sunday, January 10, 2010

Year in Review

What, too soon?
Actually it's not so much a review of last year as this year. And it's not so much the year itself that I'll be reviewing as the books I plan to read. Ain't resolutions grand?
Quick backstory: for the past several years I've wanted to keep track of the books I read. I've meant to. I've planned on it. Unfortunately, I read rather a lot, so the whole "mentally tracking" system I'd devised is pretty much a disaster. I've got a few friends "in the biz" who are fantastic about reviewing movies - a few who even get paid for it, if you can believe the luck - and know a handful of unmentionables who do a great, hysterical review of their yearly collection of bad dates and really bad sex. I'll stick to books, thank you very much. My mom reads this thing. Sometimes.
So, after finishing my first book of this year, I've decided to use you lovely people to keep me accountable and in line. (Fat lot of good that's done me
in the past, but I forever have faith in you.)
Please stay tuned for the upcoming review of 2010 Book #1: Loving Frank by Nancy Horan.

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