Friday, January 1, 2010

Perfect '10

Hello, all.
Happy New Year.
I hope you each had a few or more sips of champagne, had someone fun or comfortable or just... there... to kiss at midnight.
I hope you woke up this morning filled with the feeling of a fresh start, a promising horizon, and no hangover.
And, looking ahead, I hope this is a really good year for all of you.
I hope patience prevails and the things you've been waiting for and wanting find their way to you.
I hope the frightening uncertainty that has haunted our country for the past couple of years has instilled in you a determination and a confidence in your own survival skills.
I hope you prosper.
I hope you fall in love.
I hope you get all the hugs you need.
I hope when you cry, because you will, there is someone there to listen, to comfort, and to make you laugh.
I hope someone tells you you're sexy, and makes you feel desirable, and reminds you that you still got it.
I hope your work fulfills you.
I hope you feed your creative energy.
I hope you do at least one really brave thing, a couple really stupid things, and a lot of really compassionate things.
I hope someone calls you on your shit, and you're open enough to hear it.
I hope you allow yourself to be challenged physically, mentally, and emotionally.
I hope you're all still reading this next year, and that I can think of a catchy title about "eleven."


Molly said...

That's lovely Jessica! I am sure I speak on behalf of all your readers when I say I wish the same for you. Happy new year - can't wait to see what you have to say in 2010!

Anonymous said...

you rock jess. keep on keepin on.