Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Someone Come Get Me

Whoa, boy. It's not working.
You guys, I'm watching Oprah again. (Addiction. I see the irony.)
Only this time, there's Phish food. Straight from the carton.
Someone come get me.


Lena said...

Dear Pumpkinhead,
You are so cute. First of all, there is nothing wrong with eating Phish Food (although I prefer Oatmeal Cookie B& J's) - just make sure you take your little butt to the gym so it stays little. Secondly, Oprah is a GENIOUS. So you're feeling a bit unmotivated. It'll pass. First thing in the morn, get off your butt and leave the house (for whatever reason: hot guy at coffee shop, workout, post-sex breather *okay maybe not that last one*), but you get the idea. Once you break the chain of jammies and tv, you're good.
loooooooooooove you.

MOV said...

i love phish food and would gladly share a carton with you. does that help at all?