Tuesday, August 11, 2009

One Girl's (somewhat im)Practical Guide to Surviving a Dry Spell*^

*I'm talking about work here. Not that I couldn't write an incredibly detailed blog by the same title on a slightly more... intimate topic, but I'll spare myself the humiliation.

It's been just about a month since The Furlough began, and I think I have learned quite a lot of important stuff, if I do say so myself. Being an eager contributor to the betterment of the community and a general sharer, I will now help any of you who may be experiencing a similar drought by ffering up some of my pearls of wisdom.

Honey Do
Make yourself a To-Do list for every day. I recommend writing it out (yes, write it out, with old fashioned pen and paper) the night before, so it's already there for you when you get up. Don't worry about making it a list of life-changing events. Mundane and survival-essential are just as important. Bottom line, it can be easy to feel a little useless when you're idle. And there's a psychological sense of accomplishment that comes from crossing something off a list as completed, even if it's just laundry.

Avoid the Siren Call
"Like sands through the hourglass... these are the days of our lives." It's like verbal crack. And if you're not careful, the days of your life will disappear in a haze of self-help and catty chat, if you don't step away from the TV. I have a horrible habit of trying to do something with the TV on (you know, just in the background) and then waking up from a trance half an hour later only to realize I'm naked, and wet, and haven't moved. And I don't even like TV that much. And I certainly don't need to hear a Today Show segment on Back-to-School or anything Martha Stewart has to say. But damned if it doesn't pull me in every time. But if this place was just silent and creepy I'd go crazy (or more likely I'd sleep) so I have found that the best thing for me is music. I prefer today's best country provided on my local cable company's digital music channel, but it's completely up to you. As long as it keeps you moving. And if the worst thing that happens is you stop every so often to shake your booty to a catchy tune, all the better - you'll burn calories. Which leads me to my next tip.

Work It Baby
Exercise. I know this is a novel concept, but it's my opposite-of-expert opinion that exercise is good for you. Plus, since you really shouldn't be spending any extra money on stuff like food, this is a prime opportunity to get some extra weight off. Just put those work out clothes on as soon as you get up, and hopefully you'll guilt yourself into getting them sweaty by the end of the day.

Is There a Bracelet on Your Ankle? No? Then You're Not on House Arrest.
Get outside, for the love of God. There's a whole big world out there, and it probably smells better than your apartment. Fresh air is good for you. Clear the cobwebs. Take a walk. Run some errands. Feel like you're still part of society.

Do What You Do
For me, it's writing. And if you want to be a writer, you have to write. Even if it's a ridiculous blog post. But it's my much-needed creative outlet, and it lets the six of you who read it know I'm still here. And it keeps me on track to pursuing a goal. So whatever you were doing before, or whatever you wanted to be doing then when you were doing something else before, do it. Paint. Act. Add numbers. (Not everyone who reads this can possibly be an artist, right? Surely there's an accountant out there somewhere who gets a kick out of me.)

Black and Blue are So Last Year
So don't beat yourself up. If you don't do any of these things on a given day, it's okay. If you sleep in, then watch movies for a whole afternoon and never shower because it's too hot outside to move, it's okay. It doesn't mean you're hopeless. Don't be too easy on yourself, of course, but don't make yourself feel worse about a shitty situation. Find some zen. For me, for example, it's yoga. It's worth spending precious, hard to come by money on a yoga class or two a week because it sets me up mentally for a good week. And it makes me feel stretchy, which I like.

^You are warned that doing as this particular girl says, rather than as she does, is probably the safest bet. I'm off now. Oprah's about to start.

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